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What is 3.3 as a fraction?

What is 3.3 as a fraction? 3.3 as a fraction is 3 3/10. Decimals and Mixed Numbers Both decimals and fractions are terms often used to describe numbers that are less than a whole. 1/2 and 0.5 each represent half, part of a whole number. You can also combine a fraction or decimal with a … Read more

What type of force generates wind?

What type of force generates wind? Three forces are the cause behind the generation of the wind — pressure gradient force, friction force, and Coriolis force. Wind The wind is basically moving air that generates due to the atmospheric pressure differences which in turn are caused by solar radiation absorption by the earth’s atmosphere. The … Read more

Is lapiz masculine or feminine in Spanish?

Is lapiz masculine or feminine in Spanish? Lápiz is gendered masculine in Spansh, so the definite article is el and the indefinite article is un. Lapiz Lapiz is the Spanish word for pencil. However, to incorporate this word into conversation you need to know the gender of the word so you can match the definite or indefinite articles.

Is 8/8 an improper fraction?

Is 8/8 an improper fraction? The fraction 8/8 is an improper fraction. A proper fraction is one in which the numerator is less than the denominator. Fractions Fractions are used in mathematics to show part of a whole. For example, the fraction 3/5 indicates that a whole was divided into 5 parts and the fraction … Read more

Which statement best describes arteries?

Which statement best describes arteries? All carry oxygenated blood to the heart. All carry blood away from the heart. All carry blood toward the heart. Only large arteries are lined with endothelium. Only the pulmonary artery carries oxygenated blood. Only the second statement accurately describes arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry away blood away … Read more

What factor is important while brainstorming?

What factor is important while brainstorming? One important factor to consider during a brainstorming session is to take breaks when roadblocks occur. Brainstorming allows people to think more freely, without fear of judgment. Brainstorming encourages open and ongoing collaboration to solve problems and generate innovative ideas. Brainstorming helps teams generate a large number of ideas quickly, … Read more

What is ethical skepticism?

What is ethical skepticism? Ethical skepticism refers to the skeptic approach to moral issues: right and wrong.  Sometimes confused with cynicism, a general suspicion of people and their motives, ethical scepticism is about questioning if something is right just because others say it is. If not, what will make it so? Scepticism has played a crucial role … Read more