Which Of The Symptoms Below Require You To Stop Working And Go Home?

Which Of The Symptoms Below Require You To Stop Working And Go Home?

a) swollen glands

b) hives or skin rash

c) coughing and sneezing

d) soar throats and fever

Sore throats and fever are the symptoms that require a worker to stop working and go home.


Sore throats and fever are typically the symptoms that a person has an upper respiratory tract infection. Upper respiratory tract infection (URI) is one of the typical illnesses that result in a worker or a student to missed work or school. The majority of upper respiratory infections are caused by viruses, while some infections are caused by bacteria.


Symptoms of upper respiratory infection are the following:

Cough Sneezing Nasal discharge Nasal congestion Runny nose Fever Sore throat upper respiratory tract infection contagious Upper respiratory tract is contagious. It transfers from person to person by inhaling respiratory droplets from coughing and sneezing.

It can also be transferred through touching an object exposed to the virus and then touching the nose or mouth. Therefore since the illness is contagious, a worker who has these symptoms must stop working and go home to avoid the spread of the virus.

Basic hygiene procedures, such as proper hand washing and covering the face while coughing or sneezing, may reduce the spread of respiratory tract infections.


Antibiotics are rarely needed to treat upper respiratory infections and generally should be avoided unless the doctor suspects a bacterial infection. Most treatments are directed to relieve the symptoms.

The following are the common treatments for relief of symptoms:

Nasal decongestants can improve breathing. But the treatment may be less effective with repeated use and can cause rebound nasal congestion. Steam inhalation and gargling with salt water are safe ways to get relief from URI symptoms. Analgesics like acetaminophen and NSAIDs can help reduce fever, aches, and pains.

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