Which statement best describes how the body moves?

Which statement best describes how the body moves?

a) Skeletal muscles, which are made of fibers, nerves and blood vessels, contract in order to make the body move.

b) Cardiac and smooth muscles are made of muscle fibers, nerves, and cartilage and are responsible for all movement in the body.

c) Smooth muscles, which are made of blood vessels, fibers, and nerves, allow for all activities that use slow-twitch muscle fibers.

d) Skeletal muscles, which are made of tendons, nerves, and fibers, line the body cavities and allow for support and movement.

The correct answer isĀ A. Skeletal muscles, which are made of fibers, nerves, and blood vessels, contract in order to make the body move.

Voluntary and Involuntary Muscles

The muscles in our body can be classified into two broad classes. Voluntary muscles and involuntary muscles. We can directly control the movement of voluntary muscles. Skeletal muscles are an example of voluntary muscles.

Involuntary muscles are automatically controlled by the nervous system and are used in tasks that are crucial to our life. For example, the cardiac muscles which help in pumping blood throughout the body are involuntary muscles.

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