Which statement below correctly describes how to manage span of control using the modular concept?

Which statement below correctly describes how to manage span of control using the modular concept?

A. Span of control may be extended beyond 1:10 in order to ensure that more resources can be deployed on complex large incidents

B. Span of control should be established without consideration of factors such as the type of incident nature of the task hazards and safety factors

C. Span of control is less of a factor of concern for incidents that are resolved within the initial operational period

D. Span of control is accomplished by organizing resources into Teams Divisions Groups Branches or Sections


Option D is correct. In the Modular Concept, a span of control is achieved by regulating sources into Teams, Classes, Groups, Categories, or Divisions.


When a supervisor is handling too few assistants, Classes, Divisions, Branches, Groups or Teams can be rearranged or disbanded to attain a more efficient Span of Control. Further Explanation: Nowadays, the term span of control is more frequently used in business management and human resource management in particular. The given are the factors that affect the Span of Control:

1. Geographical dispersion: if the sections of the business are extensively dispersed, then the supervisor will find it challenging to manage each of them, as such the span of control will be more modest.

2. The capability of workers: if the workers are highly capable, they will require a little supervision and may work on their own. For instance, theory X type of people, will require very less supervision as they are motivated and take leadership to operate; as such the span of control will be more extensive.

3. The capability of the boss: a boss with a good understanding of his work and good relationships with his workers, can supervise more workers, than an inexperienced boss.

4. Value-add of the boss: a boss who is giving more focus on adding the value of the workers by training and developing new skills, will require a narrow span of control than an individual who is giving more focus on performance management.

5. The similarity of the task: the span of control may be wider if the subordinates are performing the same task, since, the director can supervise them at the same time.

6. The volume of other tasks: if the boss is involved in other activities such as liaising with stakeholders, membership in committees, and involved in other projects, the product of direct records will need to be more modest.

7. Required administrative tasks: the span of control is reduced when the boss held regular face-to-face meetings, discusses remuneration interests, describes employment policy changes, etc.

8. The span of control: it should be limited as feasible because, a supervisor can control all his subjects serving under him and work should be executed evenly, efficiently, and effectively.

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