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What is 5.25 as a fraction?

What is 5.25 as a fraction? The decimal number 5.25 is equal to the fraction 21/4. Converting Decimals to Fractions Fractions and decimals are two different ways to express the same number. Anytime we have a decimal number that is not irrational, meaning it ends eventually, we can convert that decimal number to a fraction.

What is 13/16 as a percentage?

What is 13/16 as a percentage? The percentage score for 13 out of 16 is 81.25%. Fractions to Decimals To convert a fraction to decimal form, you would divide the numerator by the denominator. This will then express the ratio stated in the fraction as a proportion of parts of 10. Fractions and Decimals: Fractions and … Read more

What is 100 divided by 15?

What is 100 divided by 15? 100 divided by 15 is equal to 6 with a remainder of 10. You can also write this as the fraction 6 2/3. Remainder in Division In math, we use division to break apart a number and divide it into equal groups. Sometimes a number divides completely into another whole … Read more

How many parallel lines does a triangle have?

How many parallel lines does a triangle have? zero pairs A triangle is a geometric shape that always has three sides and three angles. Triangles have zero pairs of parallel lines. Characteristics of Triangles Polygons are two-dimensional, or flat, closed shapes that have straight sides. A triangle is a type of polygon.

How many hundreds are in 10,000?

How many hundreds are in 10,000? There are 100 hundreds in 10,000. Dividing Powers of Ten Anytime we are asked to determine how much of one number fits into another number, we can determine the answer using the division operation. When the number we are dividing by (called the divisor) is a power of ten, we … Read more

What is 4.8 as a fraction?

What is 4.8 as a fraction

What is 4.8 as a fraction? 4.8 in fraction form is 24/5. Changing Decimals to Fractions To change decimals to fractions, you need to think about place value. For instance, what place is the 7 in in the number 5.07. The seven is in the hundredths place. So, to make it a decimal, you would need … Read more

What is 2.6 as a Fraction?

What is 2.6 as a Fraction

Fractions and Decimals Fractions and decimals are kinds of numbers we can use to show a part of a whole number. For example, if you eat 1/2 of a cake, you have only eaten part of the cake, not the whole thing. This is the same with decimals. If you have $0.25, you have less … Read more