google-site-verification=cwgbM7w6apNbt6frjcU5wXkhZKkY0WDgQmFrgBCzT4c Did James Joyce Write His Last Novel In Crayon?

Did James Joyce Write His Last Novel In Crayon?

Did James Joyce Write His Last Novel In Crayon?

While living in Zurich Joyce began to suffer from severe ocular illness and eventually underwent at least ten operations on his eyes.

For years he was almost totally blind and much of his later writing was done with red crayon on huge white sheets of paper. “Ulysses” was begun under this difficult situation.

James Joyce

Irish writer and poet James Joyce was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1882. Some of his most famous novels include UlyssesA Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Finnegan’s WakeDublinersExiles, and Pomes Penyeach.

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