google-site-verification=cwgbM7w6apNbt6frjcU5wXkhZKkY0WDgQmFrgBCzT4c In Donne's Sonnet What Does The Phrase "One Short Sleep Past" Mean?

In Donne’s Sonnet What Does The Phrase “One Short Sleep Past” Mean?

In Donne’s Sonnet What Does The Phrase “One Short Sleep Past” Mean?

a. Death is unavoidable.

b. Death is more permanent than sleep.

c. Death comes sooner than expected.

d. Death like a nap isn’t permanent.

In Donne’s sonnet, the phrase “one short sleep past” means: Death, like a nap, isn’t permanent. I can assure that option D is correct. In fact, the lines after that mentioned in the questions are: we wake eternally   And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die. Which confirms that for the author, the death is not  permanent or eternal, on the contray, life is, so we will wake eternal and death would die.

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