google-site-verification=cwgbM7w6apNbt6frjcU5wXkhZKkY0WDgQmFrgBCzT4c What is 72 divided by 9?

What is 72 divided by 9?

What is 72 divided by 9?

72 divided by 9 is 8.

By our rule relating division and multiplication, we have the following:

  • If 72 ÷ 9 = c, then 72 = c × 9

Dividing Whole Numbers

There are a number of different ways to divide whole numbers. One way to do this is by using a rule that relates division and multiplication that states that if a ÷ b = c, then a = c × b. We can use this rule and a little logic to find 72 divided by 9.

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