google-site-verification=cwgbM7w6apNbt6frjcU5wXkhZKkY0WDgQmFrgBCzT4c What is the ionic charge when iodine forms an ion?

What is the ionic charge when iodine forms an ion?

What is the ionic charge when iodine forms an ion?

The element iodine will exist as an anion with a charge of -1.


An element can exist as an ion in order to form an ionic compound. It can exist as a cation (positively-charged ion) or an anion (negatively-charged ion). The element can be predicted if it will become a cation or anion by looking at the number of valence electrons.

The elements try to occupy the outer valence shell with 8 electrons so they tend to accept or lose an electron to achieve the octet rule (8 valence electrons in the outer valence shell).

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